Oddworld strangers wrath 12801024 fullscreen
Oddworld strangers wrath 12801024 fullscreen

oddworld strangers wrath 12801024 fullscreen

Killing off Septo allows you to design an entirely new dope enemy. Stranger should have ripped that squid off his head after I busted his ass for a while and discovered it was a fellow steef in that moment and made the squid go squish with a dope roar of victory. It's a bummer to have a great game end so badly on gameplay and story to setup some sequel that never came. He's just done after destroying those two side electricity things? I was all ready to have a dope fight with him and then it's right to a cut scene where he gets away. The end boss is so boring in comparison to every other boss fight in the game, just awful. I disliked the boat, the timed run, the gloktigis, the end boss, and the ending itself. The game is really good on every level until the end. That interaction is broken and the fight is terribly designed but doable. A thudbuster/bees combo did well for me once I figured out that you needed to switch back to first person at the right time because you get continuously owned by the spin/recovery timing in 3rd person. Figured out that if you switch back to first person after getting out of the web you can still fire your gun when the spin attack is happening. Figured out that if you switch back Gave this 1 star after fighting the double gloktigis but decided most of the game is too good to do that. Gave this 1 star after fighting the double gloktigis but decided most of the game is too good to do that. TL DR it has its quirks and it’s somewhat dated but gameplay is solid and it’s a great experience. Not many games do this but SW pulls it off. Voice acting isn’t the greatest but it’s silly and goofy in the typical Oddworld style Light spoiler: The beginning/middle of the game is nothing like the end of the game. The controls are smooth and the transition between first and third person feels very fluid, it feels like it was designed like this from the start Audio is what you would expect in terms of a western, it’s stereotypical at times and solid jams at others, getting more epic in scale towards the end of the game. The cutscenes still hold up, Oddworld Inhabitants have always been terrific there. Some textures are better than others, some are very much Xbox generation quality. It runs great on Switch, frame rate is consistent and comes with the HD retextures they made a while back, graphically the game looks like a launch title from the Xbox 360 generation. It’s a mostly linear experience in that older style vein we used to see, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Strangers Wrath is a special kind of Adventure game (it’s not necessarily a FPS/TPS) that doesn’t provide a wide range of gameplay, but the gameplay it does provide is very unique.

  • Accept missions from the Bounty Store and talk to neurotic townsfolk to learn where your bounty can be found.This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.
  • Distract them with Chippunks, encase them in Bolamite webbing, or destroy them with Stingbees and explosive bats.
  • Fire Live Ammo! Launch critters at your enemies.
  • oddworld strangers wrath 12801024 fullscreen

    In his quest to earn enough Moolah, Stranger reluctantly accepts the ultimate bounty from the owner of the Mongo River and suddenly his adventure takes a very different turn. Along comes Stranger, a tall, dark and enigmatic bounty hunter with a mission to capture troublemakers and scoundrels and return them to civilized townships for incarceration.īut Stranger is keeping a secret and needs expensive surgery to survive. In the dusty, undeveloped wastelands of Western Mudos, cantankerous townsfolk find their settlements besieged by belligerent outlaws. However the nature of your illness remains a secret and as you find out during the game, for a good reason.

    oddworld strangers wrath 12801024 fullscreen

    And you need that money like no one else because there is something very wrong with your health and the only way to fix it is a very costly operation. You're the Stranger, a mysterious bounty hunter on a mission to bag the ultimate prize.

    Oddworld strangers wrath 12801024 fullscreen